• Any journey we take needs to begin now and from here. This point, when made correctly, takes the focus away from past psychological realities and into a place where there are expanded possibilities, moving forward. Notice that we never say “it brings you into the present moment”, because you were never in a place other than the present moment. Being ‘present’ simply means not letting our psychological thought-processes overshadow experiential reality.
    • Our mind and it’s constant moving toward power and pleasure are what got mankind into a situation where we are constantly being manipulated by our own mind and its fears and desires.  This in turn leads us to manipulate others.
    • It is one person’s love of diamonds that leads to another’s hunger. Humans are the only animals who hoard endlessly. Perhaps, this is because, as a result of genital dis-ease and the values instilled in our being by modern religions, intimacy is no longer free, and we are unconsciously gathering power in the pursuit of instinctual pleasures?
    • The mind has power over us because we identify with it. We are NOT the mind, but rather the knower of the mind. We are that which is aware of the mind. Every pedal on the mind is just an accelerator. It is therefore not possible to stop or still the mind. The only option one has is to use one’s awareness and rise above the mind to a witnessing consciousness, which is able to watch thoughts and desires as they arise. Once we are rooted in this awareness of not being the mind, we are no longer wagged around it. The monkey mind loses its power over us, as we are no longer running along with it. And soon, the mind ceases to move, as it is no longer fueled by our identification with it. This is the essence of all Zen, Yogic and Advaita teachings. Eastern traditions have studied consciousness for eons, but never developed the science of psychology as the seers had recognized it – that one must rise above the mind in order to gain power over it. Our mind is a tool, but what use is a tool that does not follow instructions and directions from its user or master?
      Please click here to do guided meditations that will bring you to this realization.
    • ¿Has establecido la intención de pasar un buen rato en esta vida? ¿Entonces, qué te detiene? La respuesta definitiva no reside en las necesidades no satisfechas, sino en los deseos constantes que están alimentando estas necesidades.
    • The mind seems to turn due to many different reasons, some of which are the following:
    • Miedo a ciertos estados emocionales y experiencias:   No hay experiencia sin el experimentador. Así que todo lo que te puede pasar solo sucede si estás allí. Cada estado emocional que ocurre, surge y se desploma en nuestro propio ser. Entonces, ¿realmente debemos gastar tanto esfuerzo tratando de protegernos de ciertas emociones y experiencias? ¿Este esfuerzo realmente nos protegerá de sentir ciertas emociones, o ocurrirá lo que se supone que suceda, independientemente de nuestros mejores esfuerzos?
    • Deseos   Hemos tenido suficiente de lo agradable y lo desagradable; ahora solo queremos dejar caer esta bolsa e ir más allá de las dimensiones actuales de la existencia. Los deseos son necesarios para que el proceso de la vida tenga lugar. Los deseos son justo lo que se necesita para esta situación, y una vez que alcanzamos esta conciencia de que ya no estamos identificados con nuestros deseos, podemos lograr lo que el Buda describió como "falta de deseos". El solo hecho de aceptar todo es 'falta de deseo'. Podemos estar profundamente involucrados con todo, pero aún así no estar más identificados.
    • Humans run around with their mouths open in the rain, trying to quench a thirst, while a well lies within. All external catalysts simply bring us to a pleasant state within. The yogic pratyahara process of turning the outward-bound senses inward enables us to bring fulfillment to our lives, like never before.
    • Los seres humanos, en todas partes, siempre están buscando un poco más, independientemente de la moneda utilizada. Todos queremos más dinero, autos, poder, placer o cualquier otra cosa. Los yoguis, durante siglos, han atribuido esta necesidad constante de expansión como resultado de nuestra capacidad de reconocer y conocer nuestra naturaleza ilimitada.
    • The word ‘religion’ comes from religere, which means to rejoin or reunite. Religion is simply reuniting with the source that keeps us alive.


Todos nuestros productos están fabricados en laboratorios certificados por GMP que cumplen con la FDA en Alemania, Suiza, EE. UU., India y España. Están debidamente registrados con la FDA como suplementos dietéticos, atenuaciones homeopáticas o hierbas ayurvédicas. Se toma el máximo cuidado para garantizar una calidad y pureza óptimas. Biogetica es un sitio web visitado en todo el mundo. Algunos países consideran que el Ayurveda, la medicina tradicional china, los suplementos, la bioenergética y la homeopatía son medicamentos, mientras que otros no. Para cumplir con las diversas normas de la FDA de numerosas naciones, decimos:

Ayurveda & Homeopathy may or may not qualify as medicine in your home jurisdiction. The complementary advice of our practitioners who are considered Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Doctors in some jurisdictions does not replace the medical advice given by your primary care physician. Biogetica’s Homeopathic products may be used for treatment of self limiting over the counter ailments in USA, India & Europe that support Homeopathy for OTC use. Biogetica’s Herbal remedies from the Ayurvedic, Chinese and other traditions may only be used to balance the 5 elements and rejuvenate organ systems in countries where Herbs, Ayurveda and TCM are not considered medicine. Biogetica’s ground breaking supplements may only be used to support the ideal structure and function of the various systems in the Human Body.

La información proporcionada en este sitio web no ha sido evaluada por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos. Nuestros productos no están destinados a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad.

* This peer reviewed and published research has most probably not been studied or approved by the FDA in your country as a treatment or cure. Hence no disease claims can be made and you are welcome to take the natural ingredients for (immunity, lung health, cardiovascular health, etc). Homeopathy is medicine in USA but only for OTC issues. Ayurveda is medicine only in India and TCM is medicine only in China. Switzerland supports insurance payments for Homeopathy.

De acuerdo con la Declaración de política de aplicación de la FTC sobre reclamos de comercialización de medicamentos homeopáticos de venta libre que debe mencionar cualquier persona que venda homeopatía.

No hay suficiente evidencia científica de que la homeopatía funciona, y

The product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.

** Nuestros remedios se han utilizado tradicionalmente en Ayurveda y Homeopatía durante siglos. Cada remedio tiene una cantidad variable de investigación moderna detrás de esto. Nosotros, al cumplir con la ley, no hacemos ningún reclamo de una cura milagrosa o resultados permanentes. Los resultados individuales pueden variar de persona a persona.

*** ¡Prueba nuestros productos ahora! Nuestra Garantía Incondicional de devolución de dinero 100% es válida por 90 días.

† All Homeopathic products are made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, a document which has been published for over 100 years and which is recognized as an “official compendium” by Sections 501(b) and 502(e)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 351(b) and 352(e)(3) (“FD&C Act”).” These indications are based solely on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

†† These testimonials are unsolicited and unedited except for the name of the sender. They contain the senders’ initials or first name only for purposes of privacy. These are actual emails from many we were able to help over the years. Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of outcomes that appear to be typical with these products. Your results may vary. We do however stand by our products and will refund you completely if our products don’t meet your expectations.

What we do is simply point you and your Doctors to independent research from all sources that we know of, on the ingredients or entire formulation of our natural products, which are Herbal, Ayurvedic, Bioenergetic, Homeopathic and Complementary in nature. We invite you to read these studies on our clinical trials page or on Results may vary from person to person as is depicted in the wide range of results seen in the clinical trials.



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