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Great Doctors and Healers are born, not made *

Consultations for treatment of diseases like HPV, Herpes, Hemorrhoids, Arthritis, Depression
Biogetica is pleased to serve you with a single integrative approach that synthesizes numerous modern and ancient healing systems. We have hand picked healers and doctors from across the globe that demonstrated remarkable abilities and understandings of the human microcosm. Healers that often defy your sense of reality, leading you to the realization that “Magic and miracles are nothing other than good technology.”

While the therapies chosen by Biogetica strike us to be the best out there for a particular symptom, it is sometimes necessary to augment them with single remedies that treat the individual constitutionally. These single remedies are used to change the vibrational template of ones existence and tend to address numerous symptoms simultaneously.

Disease is treated not only on the basis of the diagnostic symptoms but also by considering individual features pertaining to the personality. In order to get an accurate picture of the disease it is important to obtain the detailed symptomatology from the person.

El objetivo es tratar no solo la enfermedad obvia, sino restaurar el equilibrio perturbado en la constitución. Es la falta de armonía entre la mente, el cuerpo y el alma con la naturaleza lo que crea un suelo fértil para que crezcan las enfermedades. Para lograr la homeostasis es obligatorio estudiar los motivos por los cuales la enfermedad crece. El tratamiento constitucional generalmente resulta en la erradicación permanente de la enfermedad y no solo en la supresión de los síntomas. Restaura la homeostasis en la economía y tiene el poder de curar el alma y lograr una cura del más alto nivel.

Los testimonios no solicitados a continuación describen las experiencias de los clientes:
” I received a healing session from Apoorva recently to rebalance my endocrine system. The experience was extremely calming and left me feeling exhilarated. After two weeks I continue to feel the benefits of the treatment. Ever since discovering the Biogetica site and Apoorva’s interview on it several years ago I have been glad that such an ethical company exists to counter-act the harm corporate medicine has inflicted on the American public. Between your excellent products and compassionate health care givers, you are doing truly great work. Congratulations and blessings to you.”
junio 30, 2012 by N.T.
City: California | Country: U.S.
“Apoorva, Thank you so much for taking such great care of us — it was wonderful to meet you. Thank you also for my divine session! I truly feel the benefits right now — balanced, less hormonally wacky and heated.”
octubre 19, 2011 by K.S.
City: California | Country: U.S.
“Met Apoorva this Sunday 6 febrero 2011, The man changed my approach to life & freedom of living & constant suffering which had become a regular part of my life Periodically. He Introduced me a bottle of HYPERISINCE & a bottle of Homeopathic LOMER.s. 200 & also taught me the Meditation technique personally.& asked me to get in touch with the doctor to get the powder via mail. I would like a complete treatment therapy & would like to pay for it. Thank you”
febrero 10, 2011 by Akash
City: Pune | Country: India
Dr.Vijaykumar S. KamatDr. Vijaykumar S. Kamat – B.A.M.S
Medical director – Ayurveda


Dr. Vijay Kamat graduated from K.L.E. society’s Shri B. M. Kankanwadi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Belgaum, India; established in 1933, one of the oldest Ayurvedic institutions in India. He was also the ayurvedic consultant for the Kerudi Hospital and Research Center, Bagalkot, India.

El Dr. Kamat tiene varios años de experiencia en medicina ayurvédica, panchakarma y yoga, y ha trabajado extensivamente en la documentación de plantas medicinales ayurvédicas tradicionales, especialmente sobre su identificación, disponibilidad, procesamiento y formulación. Él es una autoridad cuando se trata del uso de estas formulaciones de hierbas raras.

Al haber sido asociado con médicos de renombre para ensayos clínicos en diversas enfermedades utilizando hierbas ayurvédicas únicas y formulaciones de combinación herbo-mineral en el centro médico de Minasian con sus clínicas de extensión en Armenia (CIS), ha sido reconocido internacionalmente. Sus habilidades de diagnóstico son por excelencia y él tiene el toque sanador dotado de Dios. Él es espiritualmente inclinado y trata usando medicina integrada. Tiene un conocimiento incomparable de hierbas y formulaciones antiguas que personaliza de acuerdo con la individualidad del paciente en función de la preponderancia de las tridoshas, ya sean vatta, pitta o kapha.

Haga clic aquí para enviar el cuestionario necesario para la consulta.

Solo consulta con el Dr. Vijaykumar S. Kamat
Single Consultation Price: $39.00 
Tres meses de terapia constitucional y consulta con el Dr. Vijaykumar S. Kamat.
Three months consultation Price: $149.00
Dr.gauri maneDr. Gauri Mane – B.H.M.S
Consultor Homeopático

El Dr. Gauri tiene un título de BHMS de la Universidad Maharashtra de Ciencias de la Salud, Mumbai. Ella superó su clase y se graduó Magna Cum Laude. Ella es un homeópata con licencia, con más de 4 años de experiencia clínica en homeopatía, así como en alopatía.

También ha trabajado como coordinadora de investigación para varios ensayos clínicos.

Además de esto, ella posee un Diploma de Postgrado en Gestión de Hospital y Salud (PGDHHM) del Instituto de Simbiosis, Pune. También es nutricionista y dietista certificada.

Dr Gauri can assist you on Home remedies, Diet, Alternative Medicine and Homeopathy. She is thoroughly versed with Biogetica’s ground breaking line of full spectrum products. Being a reservoir of information on natural health, she can be of immense help to you in your journey towards health and freedom!

Haga clic aquí para enviar el cuestionario necesario para la consulta.

Solo consulta con el Dr. Gauri Mane
Single Consultation Price: $39.00
Tres meses de terapia constitucional y consulta con el Dr. Gauri Mane.
Three months consultation Price: $149.00 $149.00
Dr. ritu sandhuDr. Ritu Sandhu – B.H.M.S
Consultor Homeopático

El Dr. Ritu Sandhu se graduó en el Colegio y Hospital Homeopático de Chandigarh en Chandigarh, INDIA, y recibió elogios por superar a su clase.

Dr Ritu has practiced homeopathy for over ten years. She has worked with the Charitable Homeopathic trust at Anandpur Sahib. Dr Ritu published a book named ‘Secrets of Homeopathy’. She also writes articles on complementary medicine.

Haga clic aquí para enviar el cuestionario necesario para la consulta.

Solo consulta con el Dr. Ritu Sandhu
Single Consultation Price: $39.00 
Tres meses de terapia constitucional y consulta con el Dr. Ritu Sandhu.
Three months consultation Price: $149.00 
Dr. ritu sandhuDr. Khyati Dave – B.H.M.S
Consultor Homeopático

Dr.Khyati tiene un título de BHMS de la Universidad de Maharashtra de Ciencias de la Salud, Mumbai. Ella es un homeópata con licencia, con más de 4 años de experiencia clínica en homeopatía, así como en alopatía.

Ella también tiene un grado certificado en nutrición y educación para la salud. Ella está asociada con el campo de bienestar y nutrición durante varios años. Conduce seminarios sobre pre-maternidad para mujeres embarazadas.

Dr.Khyati can assist you on Home remedies, Diet, Nutrition, Alternative Medicine and Homeopathy. She is thoroughly versed with Biogetica’s groundbreaking line of full spectrum products. Being a reservoir of information on natural health, she can be of immense help to you in your journey towards health and freedom!

Haga clic aquí para enviar el cuestionario necesario para la consulta.

Solo consulta con el Dr. Khyati Dave
Single Consultation Price: $39.00 
Tres meses de terapia constitucional y consulta con el Dr. Khyati Dave.
Three months consultation Price: $149.00
Dr. Passang ThopchenDr. Passang Thopchen – B.T.M.S., D.T.C.M., M.D.

El Dr. Passang Thopchen nació en el Tíbet y es el tercer linaje de Namwed Kegal Tsang. Nombró a Kegal que gobernó el área de Choo de la canción en el este del Tíbet. El Dr. Passang se graduó en medicina tibetana y china, en el Tíbet y en China. Él practica una fusión única de ambas disciplinas y, por lo tanto, puede complementar la administración de la medicina herbal con la acupuntura. Está totalmente dedicado a las antiguas ciencias médicas y está constantemente dedicado a la investigación.

La medicina tibetana toma en cuenta a toda la persona considerando todos los aspectos: estilo de vida, dieta, moralidad y, lo más importante, las emociones. Si no se equilibran, debilitan el sistema inmunológico y, por lo tanto, se perciben como la causa principal de todas las enfermedades. Es mejor prevenir que curar. El doctor Passang cura a través de la dieta, el comportamiento moral, los medicamentos y la terapia (terapia interna y externa) para tratar al paciente.

El Dr. Passang dejó el Tíbet en 1995 y ha estado practicando en la comunidad internacional en Dharamsala y Pune, India. Él ha tratado a más de 100.000 pacientes en ese momento, y por lo tanto ha ganado conocimientos sin precedentes sobre las características emocionales nacionales que ha encontrado.

El tratamiento siempre involucra a los pacientes en su propia recuperación. El Dr. Passang ofrece asesoramiento y visualización como técnicas para equilibrar la mente, cambiando la dieta y la moral. Ha tenido éxito en el tratamiento de un amplio espectro de enfermedades, desde la adicción a las drogas hasta el resfriado común. Tal vez sea porque proviene de un área médica (su madre es un médico occidental calificado y también usó la acupuntura). Pero el Dr. Passang accede a su intuición ancestral tanto en el diagnóstico como en el tratamiento. Realiza cursos de acupuntura y medicina tibetana. Nunca deja de alcanzar su objetivo y ha tenido comentarios invariablemente positivos.

El Dr. Passang es miembro de la sociedad médica tibetana del Tíbet, la MTC de acupuntura de China y la Academia de Ciencias de la Acupuntura de la India (IA Ac Sc) de la India. Ha asistido a conferencias internacionales en Beijing, Nueva Delhi y Roma.

Haga clic aquí para enviar el cuestionario necesario para la consulta.

Single Consult with Dr. Passang Thopchen
Single Consultation Price: $39.00 
Three months Constitutional therapy and Consult with Dr. Passang Thopchen
Three months consultation Price: $149.00
ApoorvaaApurve / Apoorva Mehra (pronunciado Apoorv)

Apoorva is the founder of Biogetica.com. His dream is to uplift people globally, and take them from medication to meditation. Biogetica was founded in an effort to offer all natural medicine systems under one roof. Biogetica’s mission is to give nature’s medicines the respect and importance they deserve on the planet today. Our vision is to present to the world a unified system of wellness that takes into account the physical, energetic, emotional and mental layers of one’s being. Apoorva firmly believes that modern medicine needs to awaken to the fact that “all matter exists by virtue of vibration” and that all medicine and healing must take into account the molecular, energetic and informational components of consciousness. This is the very reason why all biogetica kits contain nutraceutical, herbal and resonance homeopathic products.

Apoorva has been trained in healing and meditation from an early age and has studied under numerous enlightened Masters and Doctors. He is well versed with the traditions of Shamanism, Ayurveda, Accupuncture, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Tantra, Homeopathy, Advaita Vedanta, Psychic surgery, Resonance Archetype morphing, cold laser accupuncture and Yoga and brings them all together in Sintergetica healing sessions which use latest advances in Quantum Physics to bring people back to homeostasis. You may watch a TV interview conducted with Apoorva in the USA for the health Strategies TV show here. Apoorva’s teachers include Dr Rustum Roy, Dr Jorge Carvajal, Dr Rudolf Ballentine, Dr Jorge Montoya, John of God, Mata Amritanandamayi, Parmahansa Yogananda, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Yogiraj Shyamji, Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath, Sri Swami Samarth, Djwhal Khul and others. He was first identified and initiated at an early age by a small sect of Sadhus that descend from the traditions of Dattatreya.

Apoorva welcomes you to biogetica’s holographic roadmap that takes one from dis-ease to ease

Apoorvaa consults people daily as service and can be reached by dialing 18005920304 extn 2 or emailing [email protected]. He also conducts free clinics across the globe. Please email for dates. All of Apoorva’s work is done against donations as his vision of humanity does not allow for money to be given more importance than another human being.

Birth ChartConsulta de astrología védica con anil mishra.

Anil Mishra proviene de un largo linaje de astrólogos védicos clásicos. Sus lecturas nos ayudan a ver el propósito del alma de nuestros esfuerzos, luchas y éxitos. Su comprensión de nuestra tabla y direcciones maximiza la probabilidad de un aprendizaje exitoso en el camino. Ingrese su fecha, hora (solo precisión / sin adivinar) y lugar de nacimiento en los comentarios cuando solicite este servicio. Una vez que Anilji haya estudiado su gráfico, le enviaremos un correo electrónico para la lectura.

Vedic Astrology Consultation – Price: $55.00  
Devananda - www.radiancehealing.netHaving Devanand send healing white dragon energy daily produces amazing spiritual and health results. It is best to combine his work with ours. – www.radiancehealing.net

After 13 years of intense spiritual practice in Japan, Devananda spontaneously received a gift of healing energy. For the last 16 years, Devananda has worked with this energy to benefit thousands of people with every kind of health problem, including many “incurable” conditions. Radiance Healing is not part of any previously existing healing system or discipline. It does not conflict with any other healing systems including western medicine, ayurveda, acupuncture, etc. We recommend Radiance healing as an addition to your Biogetica protocol. Devananda’s gift is his ability to re-connect us to this universal healing energy, profoundly healing and uplifting our body, mind and spirit. The longer we receive this energy, the healthier and more radiant we become. Devananda makes this energy connection for each of us, wherever we are, twice daily for 40 minutes, five days per week, 52 weeks per year.

Mata AmritanandamayiAll donations go to Mata Amritanandamayi’s worldwide charitable activities (and to cover some minor expenses associated with the healings). Mata Amritanandamayi (also known as “Amma” or Mother) is an important humanitarian and holy woman from Kerala, India. She recently donated $23 million for tsunami relief in Asia, and $1 million in aid to victims of hurricane Katrina in the United States. Her charities benefit thousands of poor and needy throughout the world.
The customer hereby grants a Private License to Biogetica to engage in bioenergetic and/or nutritional modalities with the customer. The customer acknowledges that Biogetica and its agents do not diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. Biogetica and its agents do not provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, nor does Biogetica and its agents apply medical, mental health or human development principles, but rather provides bioenergetic and nutritional modalities that may benefit. The customer give Informed Consent to the services that will be provided. The customer hereby releases the Biogetica and its agents from all claims and liabilities arising from the use or misuse of spiritual, mental, bioenergetic and/or nutritional modalities, indemnifying and holding Biogetica and its agents harmless from all claims and liabilities there from whatsoever. Biogetica and its agents reserve all rights.


Todos nuestros productos están fabricados en laboratorios certificados por GMP que cumplen con la FDA en Alemania, Suiza, EE. UU., India y España. Están debidamente registrados con la FDA como suplementos dietéticos, atenuaciones homeopáticas o hierbas ayurvédicas. Se toma el máximo cuidado para garantizar una calidad y pureza óptimas. Biogetica es un sitio web visitado en todo el mundo. Algunos países consideran que el Ayurveda, la medicina tradicional china, los suplementos, la bioenergética y la homeopatía son medicamentos, mientras que otros no. Para cumplir con las diversas normas de la FDA de numerosas naciones, decimos:

Ayurveda & Homeopathy may or may not qualify as medicine in your home jurisdiction. The complementary advice of our practitioners who are considered Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Doctors in some jurisdictions does not replace the medical advice given by your primary care physician. Biogetica’s Homeopathic products may be used for treatment of self limiting over the counter ailments in USA, India & Europe that support Homeopathy for OTC use. Biogetica’s Herbal remedies from the Ayurvedic, Chinese and other traditions may only be used to balance the 5 elements and rejuvenate organ systems in countries where Herbs, Ayurveda and TCM are not considered medicine. Biogetica’s ground breaking supplements may only be used to support the ideal structure and function of the various systems in the Human Body.

La información proporcionada en este sitio web no ha sido evaluada por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos. Nuestros productos no están destinados a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad.

* This peer reviewed and published research has most probably not been studied or approved by the FDA in your country as a treatment or cure. Hence no disease claims can be made and you are welcome to take the natural ingredients for (immunity, lung health, cardiovascular health, etc). Homeopathy is medicine in USA but only for OTC issues. Ayurveda is medicine only in India and TCM is medicine only in China. Switzerland supports insurance payments for Homeopathy.

De acuerdo con la Declaración de política de aplicación de la FTC sobre reclamos de comercialización de medicamentos homeopáticos de venta libre que debe mencionar cualquier persona que venda homeopatía.

No hay suficiente evidencia científica de que la homeopatía funciona, y

The product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.

** Nuestros remedios se han utilizado tradicionalmente en Ayurveda y Homeopatía durante siglos. Cada remedio tiene una cantidad variable de investigación moderna detrás de esto. Nosotros, al cumplir con la ley, no hacemos ningún reclamo de una cura milagrosa o resultados permanentes. Los resultados individuales pueden variar de persona a persona.

*** ¡Prueba nuestros productos ahora! Nuestra Garantía Incondicional de devolución de dinero 100% es válida por 90 días.

† All Homeopathic products are made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, a document which has been published for over 100 years and which is recognized as an “official compendium” by Sections 501(b) and 502(e)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 351(b) and 352(e)(3) (“FD&C Act”).” These indications are based solely on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

†† These testimonials are unsolicited and unedited except for the name of the sender. They contain the senders’ initials or first name only for purposes of privacy. These are actual emails from many we were able to help over the years. Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of outcomes that appear to be typical with these products. Your results may vary. We do however stand by our products and will refund you completely if our products don’t meet your expectations.

What we do is simply point you and your Doctors to independent research from all sources that we know of, on the ingredients or entire formulation of our natural products, which are Herbal, Ayurvedic, Bioenergetic, Homeopathic and Complementary in nature. We invite you to read these studies on our clinical trials page or on scholar.google.com. Results may vary from person to person as is depicted in the wide range of results seen in the clinical trials.



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